The African-Native Business Growth Blog

3 Tips on Where To Find your Clients online!

Aug 01, 2023

Last week, I sat down to review my month of July with my coach, and I almost cried. I had one of the best month in my business history, in terms of sales, and this was not even the gag.

The gag was: All of my new high-ticket clients found me organically and asked to join my program.

The only "sale" activity I had to do, was to get on a call with them to explain them my process, and they were bought!

I did not even realized how easy this month was, until my coach sat me down and made me embrace it. 

But the truth is that this was the tip of an iceberg, that anyone looking from the outside would see.

The unseen part of the iceberg was centered on 3 important points that I had clarified in my sales strategy, to put myself in a position where I am now attracting clients "organically".

I know it is not simply organic, but a result of focus and discipline in clarifying these 3 points month after month.

Whether you just have a business idea, or have already tested out your business model with initial clients, you have this constant question in your: Where do I find my next clients?

Isn't it true that if we Africans in the West, want to GET IN the rooms of the world's major discussions, we need to learn first how to secure premium clients and grow financially ourselves in our business and life ?

So, what are those 3 elements that you need to clarify now before searching for your next clients? They have helped me and my clients make significant progress on our passions, businesses and life projects.

Here is what some clients have said:

"Wow! I feel that we are bringing strategy into my efforts, narrowing focus and bringing more clarity in the strategy, execution and brand building." - El Beye, Real Estate Diaspora project

"Getting clear on this have helped me optimized my time management, and my sales efforts" - Tati Emma, African Refined Cuisine project.

I am sharing my secrets with you in this article. Please take a moment to pause and read this before doing anything else on your business, or life project now. Your clarity on these questions will determine if you live off of your passion, dream project, get financially-free, or not.

So, let's get to work. If you would like strategic advice on your own project around these elements, make sure to join our next masterclass here. Because I will take some time at the end to answer some of your questions personally.


The 3 points to clarify to find and attract your ideal clients faster.

I have had my share load of desert months.

No clients on the surface. Bills piling up. Credit cards interest compounding on each other.

The struggle was real. Suddenly, my financial life started to affect all other aspects of your life, including my mental health. Panic attacks were my new companion during nights.

But, after months of practice, crying, and coaching, and working even with my initial set of clients, I have found with my own initial clients, that until you get clear on these 3 elements, you run the risk of running out of milk at home, several months, literally, before you seek clients.

Once you have clarity on these 3 elements, not only it is easier for you to find your tribe, but you start attracting them with ease, like I did in the last months.


  1. Get Clarity on your topic of expertise

    Maybe it is not that you are searching for clients in the wrong space, maybe it is that your area of expertise is not clear. I know many people who miss important opportunities because they are not ready to explain in simple terms what they do and why they do it. The imposter syndrome is also a good issue in helping you claim your topic of expertise, so here are 3 questions to ask yourself that will help you get more confident and clear on your topic of expertise.

    • What is the main problem you solve? - Avoid defining your topic as a name in an industry, but rather, claim it as a problem you solve.

      1. Eg. On my LinkedIn, I do not say "Business Coach" in my title, but I explain directly who I help and what I help them with. 

    • How do you solve it? - Help people get an idea of your process and how it addresses different parts of their big problem.

    • Why are you the right person to solve it? - don't just share your experience or background, related to the topic, but share mostly your WHY! Why is it important for you to take on this business challenge.

      1. E.g. a client of mine in foreign real estate was showing his 21-visa-stamped passport to show how committed he was to helping his US clients access foreign real estate investments safely. You bet that is a stronger selling point than his experience in the real estate space.

  2. Clarity your ideal client avatar ICA  

    Quit defining simply your client avatar by the general traits (demographic, age, etc.), you need to be clear on who are those who have these 3 traits, to really tap in a niche that is on constant demand:

    • They need what you have or suffer from not having it. Ask yourself what are the 3 biggest pain points of your potential clients, and you will know what they need, not just what they want.
    • They are willing to pay for it - i.e. they are already seeking for solutions out there, and you can help them see the long-term value of the benefits you bring versus the cost today, and they buy it!

    • They are ready to pay for it now. You see this by the prospect who are quick in their answers to you.

  3. Clarity on your message 

    If you fail to articulate these 3 most important elements in your message, you will always attract the wrong prospects, and will always have a difficulty growing. 

    1. What is the Opportunity behind your offer and services? It has to be something more than just you delivering the service today. E.g. financial freedom is my opportunity message now. I have achieved it and helped clients get a taste of it. Even if my services are centered on business growth, I am clear that I do not want to help clients grow businesses that will eat up all of their time.

    2.  Change: How is taping in that opportunity change their current circumstances now? E.g. for my real estate client, his ability to help clients generate a new source of income through real estate revenue payments is the change that he is bringing to his clients' lives Make more money through real estate payments

    3. Feelings on the day to day: How will your clients feel after getting the change? E.g. for the real estate foreign investor, his US clients in the diaspora will feel safe to go back home to their homeland, in a house they own. 

So to sum it up, you need clarity on your topic of expertise, on your ideal client avatar, and on your message, to be able not only to find your ideal clients quickly, but also to attract them.



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