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Focused high-ticket: get my full 3-step high-ticket client acquisition process

Immigrant entrepreneurs and project owners - Get the right high-ticket client acquisition process that will help you land 5+ high-ticket clients/mth paying 2k$ each (this is an addt'l six-figure income per year).

No spam, no nothing. Just High-Value content.

Is this also you?

You are done with the cultural barriers in your industry, but you have no clue how to scout for high-ticket clients to grow your business or project?

Maybe YOU have a solid business idea that you'll love to go on in fully, but you are scared to fail at it miserably?

Or you're simply struggling to convert bigger clients? Tired of making small sales <2k$ with acquaintances, family, and friends only, sales that don't cover all of the bills?

Or you have no clue how to, no strategy, no guidance, or no business acumen/experience, to find high-ticket clients in your field rapidly?

Then I want to empower you to take the highway with your business, and get into the high-ticket space in your industry WITHOUT the overwhelm of the cultural barriers in the western world.

This webinar will teach the 3 moves 𝓨𝓞𝓤 need to make now, to land your first or next big deals (four-figure sales and+), right in the second quarter of 2024.

In this 60-min free webinar, YOU will learn what my clients did to bring thousands of dollars in average sales in Q1, DESPITE the inflation AND the cultural barriers!

Moreover, you'll learn everything YOU need, to never be in the dark about the high-ticket sales happening in your industry NOW, and get positioned to win big in the 2nd quarter of the year.

Practically, you'll learn:

  •  How to get over the noise and identify your high-ticket niches or groups online, and how to approach them effectively, whether it is a business-to-business or a business-to-consumer opportunity
  • How to approach these high-ticket prospects effectively and easily grab their attention to listen to your brilliant offers.
  • How to articulate your value proposition in a unique fashion, so they want to do business with you, in high-ticket deals only (4-figure sales and more+)
  • How to generate multiple high-ticket opportunities in a short period of time, with FOCUS!
  • At the end of this webinar, you'll never be in the dark when it comes to going after high-ticket contracts in your field.

The last time I opened up a similar class like these, spots filled up fast, so register now. Registration closes on April 9, 2024.


Hi, it's Donclarte

I am a Cameroonian-Canadian, a passionate African, a lover of the cassava tuber, and a business coach and mentor since 2018. An actuary by trade, I worked for a decade in institutional investment consulting with large publicly listed companies, before devoting myself full-time to coaching entrepreneurially-minded Afro professionals and business owners.

So I know everything related to starting and growing a business that provides freedom and stability!

Serving more than a hundred entrepreneurs, professionals and project leaders every year, I also contributes to the various business forums taking place in the Western world's entrepreneurial ecosystem to strengthen the economic power of diverse communities, and eradicate the glaring racial wealth gap. I do this through organizations such as REPAF, the BIPOC Foundation, and international entrepreneurship conferences.

I'm MORE than excited to share the unique strategies and techniques that will allow you to do more of what you love and being rightfully paid for it!

I'd love to add YOUR success story to these... 

Ayodeji Akiwowo

My confidence in business has radically improved!  Been working with Donclarte for a few months now. She definitely knows what she's doing.


Amadou Ka

Donclarte has an exceptional ability to explain complex concepts swiftly and effectively

Chloé Djafa

I was closing down my business, and then met with Donclarte at the end of 2023. I had my first biggest revenue month, right after starting working with her.